The Delhi Police have arrested Amit Verma, a jewellery shop employee, for allegedly stealing gold jewellery worth Rs1 crore from a shop in Chandni Chowk. The theft, which occurred on November 18, involved the theft of over 1.8 kg of jewellery, including 110 rings, 30 necklaces, and several pairs of earrings.
The police arrested Amit Verma on Sunday in Azad Nagar (East), following an investigation into the theft. The accused, who worked at the jewellery shop, had stolen the valuable items and concealed them in his possession. The police managed to recover all the stolen jewellery from Verma.
According to the police, Verma’s arrest followed an investigation that involved gathering evidence from the shop’s CCTV footage and questioning other employees. The recovered jewellery, which included a large quantity of gold ornaments, has been returned to the shop owner.
Police officials stated that the investigation is ongoing to determine if Verma had any accomplices or if there were other incidents of theft involving him. The incident has raised concerns about security at jewellery shops in the area.