In a significant breakthrough, Gujarat Crime Branch on Wednesday arrested Deepak Rajput, the main accused in a major gold fraud, along with two accomplices, Naren Yadav and Kapesh Mehta. The trio is believed to have defrauded a jeweller in Ahmedabad of 2,100 grams of gold biscuits, worth Rs1.37 crore, using counterfeit currency notes featuring actor Anupam Kher’s photograph.
The crime unfolded on September 24, when the accused visited Lakshmi Jewels on CG Road, posing as wealthy customers interested in purchasing gold. They successfully gained the jeweller’s trust, arranging for the delivery of gold biscuits from a fake office, “Patel Kantilal Madanlal & Company,” an Angadiya firm. After the delivery, they handed over bundles of counterfeit notes instead of genuine payment.
Following the discovery of the fraud, the Navrangpura Police Station filed a case under Sections 316, 318, and 61 of the BNS Act. The Crime Branch swiftly launched an investigation, deploying teams to trace the culprits using technical surveillance and intelligence.
The authorities arrested Rajput and his accomplices in a well-coordinated operation. While the stolen gold was tracked down, with 1,800 grams recovered, the remaining 300 grams are still unaccounted for. The accused have extensive criminal records, with Rajput reportedly involved in previous offenses in Ahmedabad and Vadodara.
Rajput disguised himself as a “Sardar” to further deceive the jeweller, while his accomplice, Naren Yadav, assisted in the escape, and Kapesh Mehta designed the counterfeit notes and fake bank documents used in the scam.