Home » David Evans & Cornelius Bray Arrested After Pharmacy Burglary

David Evans & Cornelius Bray Arrested After Pharmacy Burglary

Alabama Men Face Multiple Charges After High-Speed Chase

by Amelia Crawford

KENNETT, Mo. (KFVS) – Two Alabama men face multiple charges after allegedly breaking into a Dunklin County pharmacy and leading police on a high-speed chase.

According to court documents, David Evans and Cornelius Bray were arrested for burglary and stealing a controlled substance following an early morning break-in at Harris Pharmacy on First Street in Kennett.

Police responded to a burglary alarm at approximately 2:23 a.m. on Thursday, March 13, and arrived to find the pharmacy’s front door shattered. As officers surveyed the scene, they noticed a white car speeding away and attempted to pull it over.

The driver, however, refused to stop and led police on a high-speed chase exceeding 130 mph. The pursuit continued into Pemiscot County, where the vehicle eventually crashed. Officers then took both suspects into custody.

Evans and Bray now face a long list of charges as the investigation continues.

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