Darshan Thoogudeepa, the beloved superstar of the Kannada film industry, has been arrested in connection with a shocking crime that mirrors the plot of a movie. He, along with 16 other suspects, has been charged with the murder of Renukaswamy, a 33-year-old fan who was allegedly killed and his body discarded in a drain.
On November 8, the body of Renukaswamy, who worked for a pharmacy company, was recovered from the drain. The police investigation quickly revealed that the fan’s fatal crime was linked to his interactions with Pavithra Gowda, an actress and reportedly Darshan’s girlfriend. Renukaswamy allegedly sent lewd messages to Pavithra, angering Darshan, leading to the murder.
Bengaluru City Police Commissioner B Dayananda described the crime as “brutal and barbaric.” The charges against the suspects include murder, kidnapping, destruction of evidence, and criminal conspiracy. Darshan, who has been in jail for over a week, has denied all accusations through his lawyer, who maintains that there is no direct evidence linking the actor to the crime, only circumstantial evidence.
Known as the biggest star in the Kannada film industry, Darshan is famous for his roles in hit films like Kaatera, which grossed over Rs1 billion. His immense popularity and fan following have made his arrest the subject of intense media scrutiny. Darshan’s image is widely seen across the state, with posters of him adorning buses, auto-rickshaws, and cinema halls. His latest film release saw massive box-office success, further cementing his status as one of the most bankable stars in South India.
The police have yet to disclose any concrete evidence against Darshan, but media reports have circulated various details, including blurry CCTV footage that allegedly shows Renukaswamy’s abduction. Other reports have stirred controversy by linking Darshan’s personal life to the crime, focusing on his relationship with Pavithra Gowda and his past actions.
The actor’s wife, Vijayalakshmi, has also been caught up in the media frenzy, with her legal team seeking a restraining order after claims that Darshan’s shoes, allegedly found at the crime scene, were located in her home.
The case has attracted widespread attention, with social media and news outlets dissecting every aspect of Darshan’s private life, from his alleged relationship with Pavithra Gowda to his past behavior. The investigation continues, and many await further updates regarding the charges and evidence against the accused.