The Cyber Police Station of Dehradun, part of the Uttarakhand STF, has made a significant breakthrough in a nationwide cyber fraud case that swindled a resident of Dehradun out of Rs 23 lakh. The fraudsters posed as representatives of well-known companies, tricking the victim into transferring funds for various fake expenses linked to a job offer on
Two individuals were arrested in Delhi, and four others are under investigation for their involvement in this multi-stage scam. The criminals demanded money for registration fees, document verification, and other fabricated services, converting the stolen funds into USDT cryptocurrency through Binance. The investigation revealed international connections, including operatives based in Dubai, China, and Pakistan.
The investigation was led by DySP Ankush Mishra and involved data collection from banks, telecom providers, Meta, and Google. As a result, key suspects, including Almas Azam, Anas Azam, and Sachin Agarwal, were arrested in Delhi, while Ravi Dhingra and Harpal Singh were recently apprehended. Law enforcement seized 17 mobile phones, 3 laptops, and several SIM cards during the raid. Notices under Section 41A CrPC have been issued to three other suspects.