A couple from Bhubaneswar, Anil Kumar Mohanty and Hansita Abhilipsa, have been arrested for allegedly impersonating the son-in-law and daughter of PK Mishra, the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India. The arrests followed a complaint filed by the Commissionerate Police after the duo was found attempting to dupe people by claiming close ties with Mishra.
According to police reports, the couple used this false identity to exploit their connections for personal gain. The case was registered by Infocity Police Station on December 26, 2024, after confidential information led to their identification.
During the investigation, several witnesses were questioned, and their statements confirmed the fraudulent actions of the accused. Anil Mohanty and Hansita Abhilipsa were arrested on December 29, 2024. A senior police official remarked that this case highlights the growing misuse of false identities for financial advantage and warned that such activities would be strictly dealt with under the law.
The couple has been forwarded to court, and the investigation is ongoing to uncover the full scope of their fraudulent activities. Special Crime Unit Additional DCP Swaraj Debata revealed that the accused edited photos with high-profile personalities and claimed connections with senior officials as part of their scam.