Jackson Kuria, better known as Cop Shakur, gained recognition for his participation in the June 2024 protests against the Finance Bill 2024. Recently, he was arrested and charged with mutiny, leading him to ask Kenyans of goodwill for assistance.
On Thursday, January 15, Cop Shakur publicly shared his ordeal, explaining that he had been charged at Milimani Law Courts. He revealed that his phone and line had been confiscated by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), leaving him unable to make a phone call. Cop Shakur appealed for help to raise the cash bail required for his release.
“Currently at Milimani Law Court. They have my phone and line, and the DCI denied me a phone call. I’m asking the public to assist me in raising the cash bail,” he said in his statement.
Human rights activist Hussein Khalid confirmed that Shakur had been charged with mutiny—a serious offense involving open rebellion against lawful authority. Khalid questioned why standing with GenZ was considered mutiny, stating, “For standing with GenZ, they’re now calling it mutiny?”
Shakur, who rose to prominence during the June 2024 protests for voicing his support against the Finance Bill 2024, was apprehended by the DCI at his workplace on Wednesday, January 16.