In a significant development, Coimbatore cybercrime police have arrested M. Gowtham, a 29-year-old man, for scamming several beauty parlour operators and makeup artists with promises of lucrative partnerships in fashion shows.
The scam unfolded when M. Gowtham, a resident of Irugur, Coimbatore, convinced beauty parlour owners and makeup artists to partner with him for fashion shows, assuring them a profitable business opportunity. He claimed that they would be involved in high-profile fashion events, but in return, he demanded upfront payments for various fees, including event participation, advertisements, and logistics.
Once the victims made the payments, Gowtham failed to deliver on his promises, and the fashion shows never materialized. As a result, the victims were left with financial losses and no recourse to recover their invested money.
The case came to light when one of the victims filed a complaint with the Coimbatore city cybercrime police. After receiving multiple complaints from other victims, the police initiated an investigation and arrested M. Gowtham on Tuesday.