The Chennai police have successfully seized 38kg of ketamine, valued at Rs3.5 crore, and arrested three men involved in a large-scale drug trafficking operation. The men, Ravi (47), Ganesh (50), and Madhan (45), were remanded in judicial custody after their arrest.
The police action followed a tip-off from the Anti-Narcotic Intelligence Unit (ANIU). Initial investigations revealed that the three suspects were Burma repatriates who had settled in Chennai and Tiruvallur. Ravi was previously implicated in over 25 red sanders smuggling cases reported in Andhra Pradesh, according to police records.
Further investigation revealed that the trio had connections with illegal drug factories operating in the hilly regions of Manipur. These factories were known for the production of synthetic drugs. Through their network of friends and relatives, the accused were able to procure ketamine from laboratories in Andhra Pradesh, which they then transported to Chennai via courier services.
On Tuesday, the police intercepted the group while they were in possession of the ketamine shipment, leading to their arrest and the seizure of the drugs.
Authorities have praised the timely operation and are continuing to investigate the trafficking network with the aim of dismantling the larger drug distribution ring.