In a breakthrough in the Ranjit Yadav alias Dahi Gop murder case, Bihar Police arrested Rahul Generator and Shubham Kumar alias Chadda on Wednesday. The arrests were made in Nagpur, Maharashtra, as part of an ongoing investigation into the murder, which was connected to a fight for dominance in the Danapur Cantonment area.
Both arrested individuals, Rahul Generator and Shubham Kumar, have multiple criminal cases registered against them in various police stations in Patna. The police have identified them as active participants in several criminal activities in the region. The two arrests bring the total number of people apprehended in connection with the case to four, with authorities continuing their raids to capture other suspects involved.
The murder occurred on December 21, 2024, when Ranjit Yadav, also known as Dahi Gop, was attacked and severely wounded. Gorakh Rai, his aide, was fatally shot during the incident. Dahi Gop was struck with five gunshot wounds and died two days later from his injuries.
Earlier, Ankit Rajput (19) and Ankit Kumar Gupta (21), both arrested two days before the latest apprehensions, had confessed to their roles in the attack during police interrogation. Ankit Gupta, a resident of Danapur Cantonment, has a criminal record, and his involvement in the case further solidified the investigation.
The investigation revealed that Rahul Generator, a resident of Danapur, had orchestrated the deadly attack on Dahi Gop. Rahul suspected that Dahi Gop was responsible for the murder of his father and sought revenge. He hired several accomplices, including Shubham Kumar alias Chadda, Sonu from Maner, and Ankit Rajput and Ankit Gupta, to carry out the attack.
On the night of December 21, while Dahi Gop was returning home after attending a shradh ceremony at Pethiya Bazaar, Rahul and his associates ambushed him and his aide in a brutal attack.
The case is being thoroughly investigated by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the direction of Patna’s SSP, with officers rigorously working to uncover all details of the crime and apprehend the remaining suspects. Authorities are committed to bringing justice to those involved in this brutal murder.