Bhojpur Police arrested two drug peddlers, Raja Paswan and Babita Devi, both in their mid-twenties, in the Town police station area of Ara. The police seized 41.51 grams of heroin, worth over Rs 20 lakh, from their possession on Friday.
The arrests were made after a tip-off. Raja Paswan, the son of the late Uday Paswan, and Babita Devi, the wife of Shailesh Paswan, were caught with the drugs, an electronic weighing machine, a cellphone, and Rs 1.27 lakh in cash. A case was registered against them under the NDPS Act at the Ara Town police station.
Raja Paswan is from Badki Singahi village, while Babita Devi hails from Gausganj locality in the Ara town police area. The Bhojpur district intelligence unit assisted the Ara Town SHO, Devraj Rai, and other police personnel during the raid.