Bengaluru police have successfully apprehended a tattoo artist involved in a large-scale drug trafficking operation, unmasking a network of international narcotics smuggling. The Central Crime Branch (CCB) arrested Rakshith Ramesh Melappanavar, a resident of Chokkananahalli, following a well-executed raid at his home. The search led to the discovery of drugs valued at Rs 2 crore, reported The Indian Express.
Among the items seized during the raid were 3.5 grams of hydro ganja, 130 grams of charas, 40 LSD strips, and 2.3 grams of MDMA. Shockingly, the drugs were even concealed as cookies, illustrating the innovative yet illicit methods used by Melappanavar to traffic narcotics. Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayananda confirmed the findings, praising the CCB Anti-Narcotics Wing for their role in uncovering the operation.
Investigations have revealed that Melappanavar was connected to a sophisticated cross-border drug network. Authorities suspect that the narcotics, sourced from Thailand and Malaysia, were shipped via sea and facilitated by an accomplice in another state. Additionally, local supplies were drawn from regions like Goa, Himachal Pradesh, and Telangana.
Melappanavar, still in the learning phase of his criminal activities under the tutelage of an associate, was arrested before he could expand his operations. He has since been remanded in police custody, while law enforcement intensifies efforts to locate his accomplices.