The Bengaluru city police recently arrested a gang of four women involved in stealing premium silk sarees from various locations across the city. The police caught the gang red-handed on August 25 while they were stealing sarees from a shop in J P Nagar. A total of 38 sarees, worth approximately Rs17.5 lakh, were recovered from their possession.
The arrested women were identified as Janaki, Ponnuru Valli, Medha Rajani, and Venkateshwaramma. According to the police, two other women who were part of the gang managed to escape and are currently on the run. The arrested individuals were allegedly involved in a series of similar thefts targeting premium silk saree shops across Bengaluru.
The police believe the gang had been operating for a while, stealing sarees from high-end stores and selling them at a significantly lower price to unsuspecting buyers. This strategy made it difficult for authorities to trace the stolen items immediately.
The women would enter shops, posing as customers, and would discreetly steal sarees while pretending to shop. They used their knowledge of shop layouts and customer behaviors to avoid detection. Once the sarees were stolen, they would sell them to various buyers at reduced prices, making a profit while also avoiding suspicion.