Two men, Amir Suhail from Bengaluru and Suhail Ahmed Vani from Jammu Kashmir, have been arrested in connection with an online scam that defrauded a Konaje resident of Rs28,18,065.
According to reports, the accused sent a WhatsApp and Telegram link to the victim on July 21, 2024. After the victim clicked the initial link, the scammers claimed it was an error and sent another link, asking the victim to pay Rs1,000. Following this, the scammers gradually withdrew the amount from the victim’s bank account.
The victim filed a complaint at the Konaje Police Station, and after thorough investigation, authorities arrested Amir Suhail and Suhail Ahmed Vani. The police have also arrested five other persons in connection with the scam.
The authorities are continuing their investigation into the case, and further details are awaited.