Home » Behnam Momtazi Arrested to Serve Two-Year Prison Sentence

Behnam Momtazi Arrested to Serve Two-Year Prison Sentence

Baha’i Behnam Momtazi Begins Serving Sentence in Qazvin

by Sophia Bennett

Behnam Momtazi, a Baha’i adherent from Qazvin, was arrested on February 17, 2025, after responding to a summons at the Sentence Enforcement Office to begin serving his two-year and one-day prison sentence. The Iranian judiciary had previously sentenced him to prison and a fine of 50 million tomans, a decision that was upheld by the Court of Appeals.

Momtazi, who had been detained by security forces on July 31, 2022, was granted bail and released on August 11, 2022. He is now serving his sentence at Choubindar Prison in Qazvin.

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