In a major crackdown, the Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police intercepted a counterfeit currency racket and seized Rs. 11,31,500 worth of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) on January 13, 2025, in a raid at Ganeshguri, Guwahati. The operation led to the arrest of two individuals, who were caught in possession of 2,263 counterfeit Rs. 500 notes.
In addition to the fake currency, three mobile phones and Rs. 400 in genuine currency were also recovered. The arrested suspects, identified as 22-year-old Ruful Amin from Lakhimpur District and 30-year-old Jakir Hussain from Kamrup District, were both residing in Dispur, Kamrup (M) District.
The STF has launched an ongoing investigation into the counterfeit currency network, and authorities are considering further arrests. This operation is part of STF Assam’s continued efforts to combat financial crimes and protect the state’s economy from such illicit activities.