Assam police carried out a series of major anti-narcotics operations across multiple districts on Tuesday, arresting numerous individuals and seizing significant quantities of illicit substances.
In South Salmara Mankachar district, the police conducted a well-coordinated raid, leading to the arrest of four drug suppliers from various locations. One of the notable arrests occurred in Baladoba village, where Mulkjan Nessa was found with 252 grams of brown sugar. In Chirakhowa village, Ramzan Ali was apprehended with 11 containers filled with illicit drugs.
The operation also extended to Balughat village, where Abu Bakkar Siddique was arrested for drug distribution. In Bangrichar, Nutub Ali was caught with 90 yaba tablets.
Meanwhile, in Cachar district, police intercepted a night bus and discovered 102 grams of heroin concealed in soap boxes. This led to the arrest of three individuals—Bulbul Ali Laskar, Ruma Begum, and Baby Begum—who are now facing charges related to trafficking.
In Barpeta’s Majar Char area, a raid at the home of Rezaul Karim Talukdar resulted in the recovery of 50.70 grams of illicit drugs. The police arrested three individuals—Mehbub Alam Bhuyan, Sumed Ali, and Anwar Hossain—but the main suspect, Rezaul Karim Talukdar, managed to flee. Authorities have since launched a manhunt to apprehend him.