Gauripur Police in Dhubri district, Assam, have made a significant breakthrough in their fight against cybercrime with the arrest of Abu Bakar Siddique, a notorious cybercriminal. Acting on a specific tip-off, the police conducted a well-coordinated raid at Siddique’s residence in Byllar Char and discovered 15 ATMs in his possession, raising concerns about a larger cyber fraud network.
The exact nature of Siddique’s cyber activities is still under investigation, but the seizure of multiple ATMs suggests a potential link to a broader cyber fraud operation. The police have expressed concerns that Siddique may be part of a criminal syndicate involved in ATM skimming, fraudulent transactions, or other types of online financial fraud.
A senior police officer from Gauripur Police Station expressed satisfaction with the arrest, calling it a major step forward in the district’s ongoing efforts to combat cybercrime. “We are committed to following every lead and ensuring that justice is served,” the officer stated.
As the investigation progresses, authorities are working to uncover the full extent of Siddique’s operations, including any potential accomplices or connections to a larger cyber fraud network. Further details are expected to emerge as the police continue their probe into this alarming case of cybercrime in Assam.