Asifnagar Police have arrested 22-year-old Dupati Mahesh, a resident of UB Colony, Ammasari Venkat Reddy Nagar, Boduppal, for the theft of two-wheelers in Vijaynagar Colony, Asifnagar. The police successfully apprehended Mahesh after the crime was reported. Following his arrest, the accused was produced before the court for legal proceedings.
The operation involved a coordinated effort from the Asifnagar Division under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner of Police K. Vijay Srinivas, along with Inspector S. Mallesh, Detective Inspector G. Balakrishna, S.I. Md. Ghouse Ali, and other Crime Staff members including HC N. Santhosh Kumar, A. Krishna Prasad, M. Shiva Kumar, and T. Nagendra Kumar from the Humayun Nagar PS.