In a significant bust, Arunachal Pradesh Police arrested two inter-state drug peddlers and seized 348.58 grams of heroin, valued at Rs 42 lakh, on Tuesday. The police action, led by Capital Region Superintendent of Police (SP) Rohit Rajbir Singh, followed a raid on the house of one Urgen Dorjee, during which 65 grams of heroin were found in his possession.
During interrogation, Dorjee revealed that a Manipuri youth, Tithai Pou Golmei, aged 28, had supplied the drugs from Imphal. Golmei was expected to bring more heroin to Itanagar by bus in the coming days.
In response, a trap was set, and Golmei was apprehended from the Lower Vivek Vihar area in Itanagar. Police recovered 283.58 grams of heroin from his possession. Golmei was charged under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, and a case was filed at the Itanagar police station.
Both Dorjee and Golmei are described as habitual inter-state drug peddlers, and investigations into the wider network of drug trafficking are ongoing.