In a major crackdown on GST fraud, Arunachal Pradesh Police, in collaboration with Darbhanga Police, have arrested two chartered accountants in connection with a Rs100 crore GST scam. The accused, Vipin Kumar Jha and Ashutosh Kumar Jha, were apprehended in the Vansara village of the Rayam police station area.
The duo is accused of facilitating fraudulent activities related to the filing of GST returns for their clients, resulting in a massive financial scam. The arrests came after a Darbhanga court granted a transit remand for the chartered accountants on Saturday, allowing their transfer to Arunachal Pradesh for further investigation.
Arunachal Pradesh Police officials confirmed that the investigation is ongoing and further details will emerge as they continue their probe into the case. The arrested individuals are suspected of manipulating GST filings to defraud the government of substantial sums, contributing to a major financial crime in the state.