A 26-year-old man, Ramkumar Sawhney, was arrested on Wednesday in connection with the murder of Mohammed Sardab at the Greenko Solar plant in Pinnapuram village, Nandyal district. This arrest follows the earlier apprehension of two other suspects involved in the case.
The murder occurred on the night of January 1, 2024, when the victim, Mohammed Sardab, a worker from Bihar, was killed at the solar power plant. Ramkumar Sawhney, Raj Kishore, and Samkram, all originally from Uttar Pradesh, were employed at the plant and are believed to be the key suspects.
The investigation, led by Inspector Kiran Kumar Reddy, revealed that the three accused were working together when the incident took place. After his arrest, Ramkumar Sawhney was sent to judicial remand, while the two other suspects remain in custody.
The police are continuing their probe into the circumstances surrounding the crime.