In a chilling turn of events, Amal Sarkar, the nephew of one of the victims, Gunadhar Sarkar, has been arrested in connection with the horrific quadruple murder in Assam’s Nagaon district. The brutal killings, which took place on the night of November 22, claimed the lives of Gunadhar, his wife Sarojini, their youngest daughter Jayasmrita, and a local youth, Anupam Sutradhar.
Initially, police had speculated that Anupam might have been involved in a love triangle with a member of the Sarkar family, but investigations have unveiled a far more complex narrative. Amal claims that after hearing disturbing sounds from the house, he rushed to the scene and discovered Sarojini and Gunadhar dead, while Anupam was allegedly assaulting Jayasmrita.
According to Amal, he intervened in the assault, overpowering Anupam and killing him in the scuffle. However, police are now questioning Amal to verify his account and uncover more details about the tragic incident.
This arrest marks a significant step forward in the investigation, although many questions remain unanswered. Police are working diligently to piece together the full picture of what led to the deaths of four individuals in this shocking and heartbreaking crime that has left the community in disbelief.