A private school clerk in Uttarkashi, Anuradha Rawat (32), was arrested for allegedly embezzling over Rs1 crore of student fees, police revealed on Thursday. The arrest followed a complaint filed by Jaya Patel, the school’s manager, leading to a fraud case registered around 10 days ago.
Kotwali Police Station’s SHO, Amarjeet Singh, stated that Rawat, originally from Surat in Gujarat, committed the crime with the alleged help of her husband, father, sister, and brother-in-law, all of whom have also been named as accused in the case.
Rawat has been swindling parents since 2017 by collecting fees and issuing counterfeit receipts. She misled the school administration by falsely reporting that the students’ fees were still pending. The scam was uncovered a few weeks ago during an audit of the school’s financial records. Following the investigation, Rawat was sent to jail by the local court on Tuesday.