In a significant operation, Odisha Vigilance arrested Anil Kumar Beriwal, the former director of Ghanteswari Flour Mill Pvt. Ltd., Sambalpur, on Tuesday. The arrest follows charges of misappropriation of government funds totaling more than Rs 4.48 crore.
The case is tied to a criminal conspiracy involving four officials of the Sambalpur District Cooperative Central Bank Ltd. (SDCC Bank), who allegedly conspired with Beriwal’s company to sanction and disburse the funds improperly. The conspiracy involved the abuse of official positions to grant undue favor to the mill, leading to substantial financial misappropriation.
Despite being charge-sheeted for his role in the scam, Beriwal evaded court appearances repeatedly. As a result, the Special Judge Vigilance, Sambalpur issued a Non-Bailable Warrant (NBW) for his arrest on November 19, 2024. Beriwal was subsequently arrested and has now been forwarded to the Special Judge Vigilance Court in Sambalpur for further proceedings.
The investigation highlights ongoing efforts by the Odisha Vigilance to root out corruption and financial fraud within the state.