The Chandkheda police arrested 31-year-old Akshay Kumar Soni on Saturday for black marketing tickets to the Coldplay Spheres of Music World Tour, which is set to take place at the Narendra Modi Stadium on January 25 and 26. Six tickets, valued between Rs 2,500 and Rs 4,500 each, were recovered from his possession.
According to police sources, Soni, a resident of Nikol, was apprehended during a routine patrol. Inspector Nikunj Solanki of Chandkheda Police Station confirmed that the police had been instructed by superior authorities to crack down on black marketing of tickets for the highly anticipated concert. Acting on a tip-off, police teams quickly responded and arrested Soni while he was attempting to sell the tickets in Chandkheda.
Soni reportedly confessed to black marketing the tickets, and police are now investigating whether he is connected to a larger syndicate involved in the ticket scam.