Actor-singer and Big Boss participant PS Fareeduddin, also known as Pareekutty, was arrested on Saturday night for allegedly possessing banned narcotics. Along with one of his friends, the actor was apprehended during a routine vehicle check at Pullikkanam, a hill district location.
According to Excise officials, the police discovered 10.50 grams of MDMA and 9 grams of ganja in the car the two were traveling in. The seized narcotics were classified as being of commercial quantity, which means the possession could lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years.
The actor, who has appeared in multiple films and participated in a season of the popular TV show Big Boss, is well-known on social media, with a large following. The arrest follows a routine vehicle check by officials.
Both PS Fareeduddin and his friend were produced before a local court, which remanded them to judicial custody. The investigation is ongoing, and further details will be available after the probe.