In a shocking revelation, the Visakhapatnam Police have arrested a couple who posed as Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers and defrauded several victims across multiple districts. Bhagya Rekha, also known as Amrutha, and her husband, Mannendora Chandrasekhar, both residents of Vangaveti, were taken into custody after a detailed investigation uncovered a complex fraud network.
The couple had been impersonating high-ranking officials, including the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) Commissioner and a Joint Collector. They exploited the trust of unsuspecting individuals, promising them government jobs and housing schemes in exchange for money.
Authorities are continuing their investigation, and more victims may come forward as the scam’s full scope is unraveled. The couple’s arrest marks the end of a significant fraud operation that preyed on those hoping for better opportunities through government schemes.