In a successful crackdown, Odisha Police arrested four members of the notorious Trichy gang involved in a series of mobile thefts across Bhubaneswar. The gang members were apprehended by a special squad of the Commissionerate Police on Thursday.
The arrested individuals have been identified as B Mohit (48), T Murthy (42), Nanda Kumar (47), and S Dinesh (47), all hailing from Tiruchilapalli district in Tamil Nadu. The gang is known for targeting crowded areas to carry out crimes like breaking car windshields to loot valuables and pickpocketing.
The arrests were made in connection with a mobile theft case registered at Saheednagar police station. Acting on a tip-off, the police apprehended the suspects while they were attempting to sell stolen mobile phones.
Further investigation revealed that the gang was involved in at least 10 thefts across various parts of the city. During the operation, police seized four laptops, 25 mobile phones, as well as iron balls and mud pellets, which were believed to have been used in committing the crimes.
The arrested individuals have been handed over to the court, and the investigation continues to uncover further details of their activities.