Chandigarh: A woman has been arrested by the UT Police for allegedly stealing a purse from another woman in the Sector 19 market. The accused, identified as Vidya, 42, a resident of Rajgarh, Madhya Pradesh, was produced before the local court, which sent her to judicial custody for 14 days.
The incident came to light when Neelu, a resident of Sector 32, reported that she had gone to Sector 19 market for shopping on Saturday. While shopping, an unknown person stole her purse, which contained Rs 500 in cash and other important documents. Neelu raised an alarm and immediately contacted the police at 112. The police recorded her statement and launched an investigation.
Following the investigation, police arrested Vidya and recovered the stolen purse along with its contents. Vidya was charged with theft, and a case has been registered against her.