Surat police have arrested Badrikumar Pandey (21) and Prashant Prajapati (19) after seizing mephedrone (MD) worth Rs 10.06 lakh from them. The arrest took place on Monday, following a tip-off and an operation led by Deputy Commissioner of Police Zone 4, Vijaysingh Gurjar.
On Sunday, a special squad intercepted the two youths riding a bike in the Timaliyawad area of Surat. Upon searching them, the police recovered 100.60 grams of mephedrone with a market value of Rs 10.06 lakh.
Further investigation led to the arrest of their drug agent, who was found with ganja worth Rs 17,000 at his residence in Pandesara. The police have now registered a case and are continuing their probe into the drug network.
This arrest highlights the ongoing efforts by Surat police to curb the illegal drug trade in the region.