Two web designers from Kerala were arrested in Bengaluru on drug-peddling charges after authorities seized 975 grams of MDMA and 407 grams of cocaine from them. The arrested individuals, Navaneeth V and Shanil Babu, both hailing from Kannur, are first-time offenders.
Navaneeth, a BCA graduate, and Shanil, an engineering student, were reportedly trafficking drugs across Kerala and Karnataka. The arrest took place on October 28 after police inspector Farooq Pasha was tipped off about a youth selling drugs near Hombegowda Ground at 5 p.m. The suspect, later identified as Navaneeth, was detained, and a plastic bag containing MDMA was found in his possession.
Police Commissioner B. Dayananda confirmed that during interrogation, Navaneeth admitted to working with Shanil, who was also in the city to sell drugs. Authorities confiscated 110 grams of MDMA from Navaneeth. Investigations into the drug network continue, with police working to uncover the full scope of their operations.