In a major crackdown on drug peddling, police arrested five individuals across Kupwara, Baramulla, Srinagar, and Budgam and seized significant quantities of narcotic substances along with cash. According to an official release, the arrests were made during separate operations across these districts.
In Kupwara, Ishfaq Ahmad Parry, a resident of Doniwari Lolab, was arrested at Geerhatchi after 11 grams of a heroin-like substance and Rs5,170 were recovered from his possession.
In Gingal Uri, Saleem Khan, a resident of Dawaran Uri, was apprehended with 1.208 kgs of cannabis powder-like substance.
Two drug peddlers were arrested in Dalgate Srinagar: Aquib Ahmad Sofi (son of the late Ghulam Mohiuddin Sofi) and Ashiq Hussain Dar (also known as Ashiq Kala). They were found with a substantial quantity of narcotics and Rs5,000 in cash.
Additionally, in Madbal Chadoora, Sajad Ahmad Wani was intercepted while driving vehicle JK01K-3500. Upon search, 1.70 kgs of cannabis powder and two sticks of cannabis wrapped in corn husk were recovered. Wani was arrested, and the vehicle was seized.
Police have registered cases under relevant sections of law at the respective police stations and have initiated further investigations.