Patna Police has arrested seven individuals, including four candidates, in connection with the NEET-UG question paper leak scandal. According to India Today TV, the confession letters of the accused revealed that a problem-solver gang charged Rs 32 lakh to provide the leaked question papers to candidates.
The NEET-UG exam, which took place on May 5 and had results declared on June 5, has been plagued with allegations of irregularities and question paper leaks in Patna. The police investigation uncovered that the accused were part of a larger network involved in leaking question papers of prestigious exams, including NEET, BPSC, and UPSC.
Among the arrested were Nitish Kumar and Amit Anand, who were identified as key members of the problem-solver gang. They were directly involved in facilitating the leak of the NEET-UG question papers and have also been linked to other exam frauds, creating widespread concern about the integrity of competitive exams in the region.