The Pollachi police arrested three individuals for selling fake Kerala lottery tickets and seized 1,194 counterfeit tickets from them. The accused were identified as D. Murugesan (51) from Dindigul, K. Palanisamy (66) from Karur, and M. Nagaraj (65) from Palladam. They were arrested during special checks conducted by officials from the Pollachi taluk and Pollachi West police stations on Saturday.
In a separate operation, Pollachi West police arrested two individuals, C. Sappanimuthu (30) from Pollachi and Varghese Raj (36) from Kinathukadavu, on Sunday for smuggling banned tobacco products. The police found 60 kg of gutkha during a vehicle check near Nallur bus stand and seized both the contraband and the car used in the smuggling.