Mangaluru police have arrested Gaurav Makwana, a resident of Delhi, for hacking into a Flipkart account using a malicious APK file sent via WhatsApp. Makwana used the compromised account to make fraudulent purchases worth Rs 1.31 lakh. The police took swift action, recovering valuables worth Rs 4 lakh, including phones and AirPods, within just 48 hours of the victim’s complaint.
According to the police, Makwana sent a malicious APK file to the victim, which, once installed, allowed him to gain unauthorized access to the Flipkart account. The fraudulent purchases were made shortly after the account was hacked.
The police managed to track Makwana’s whereabouts and apprehend him in Delhi, recovering the stolen items from his possession. This quick response has been praised for preventing further financial loss to the victim.