In a shocking case of online fraud, V. Vivek, a 43-year-old software developer from Lakshmi Nagar in Coimbatore, was cheated of Rs1.63 crore by fraudsters posing as stock trading experts. Vivek lodged a formal complaint with the city cybercrime police, seeking a thorough investigation into the scam.
According to Vivek’s complaint, the fraudsters had approached him with promises of high returns on investments through online stock trading. They lured him into transferring significant sums of money, claiming that they had exclusive methods and strategies for generating profits. As the fraudsters continued to build trust, Vivek ended up investing large amounts over several months, eventually losing a total of Rs1.63 crore.
Upon realizing he had been scammed, Vivek reported the matter to the cybercrime police, who have now initiated an investigation. The police are examining the fraudulent transactions and tracing the suspects behind this elaborate scam.
This incident highlights the increasing number of cybercrimes related to online stock trading, where individuals are lured by promises of high returns but fall victim to well-organized fraudulent networks.